Dr. Bertha Maxwell Roddey
“Centennial”  Award

The “Dr. Bertha Maxwell Roddey Delta Sigma Theta “Centennial” Scholarship Award”, is the highest scholarship recognition of the Charlotte Alumnae Chapter, recognizes a female Charlotte area high school senior who is well-rounded, has excelled academically, gives of her time freely, and has exceptional leadership skills.

Dr. Roddey, a known Educator, Philanthropist, Civil Rights Activist, and 20th Past National President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is a pillar in the Charlotte community and abroad.  As Delta Sigma Theta Sorority celebrated its Centennial year, it was befitting that Dr. Roddey was honored with the naming of the Charlotte Alumnae Chapter’s four-year, Centennial Scholarship.

She is a graduate of Johnson C. Smith University, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and Union Graduate School in Cincinnati, OH. Dr. Roddey is a former Elementary School Teacher and Principal in Charlotte Mecklenburg and is credited with assisting to desegregate Albemarle Elementary School.  As an educator at UNC Charlotte in the 1970s, Maxwell-Roddey founded the Africana Studies program at UNC Charlotte and co-founded the Afro-American Cultural Center (today the Harvey B. Gantt Center) in Uptown Charlotte.  Dr. Roddey has received numerous awards and recognitions.

Dr. Roddey is a Past President of Charlotte Alumnae Chapter, Past Director of the South Atlantic Region, Past National First Vice President, and the 20th National President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.

Bertha M. Roddey “Centennial” Scholarship (four-year award) – $20,000 total

  • Must be a graduating African-American female senior
  • Must be a student enrolled in a Mecklenburg County high school
  • Must have an unweighted cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher for each consecutive year of high school
  • Must demonstrate financial need (please refer to the Federal Government Poverty Guidelines) by completing Section V of the application
  • Must be prepared to provide verification of your household income by bringing tax documents to the interview, if selected for an interview
  • Must demonstrate public service above and beyond any high school requirements.  One of the required letters of recommendation must be from a verifiable public service organization
  • Must plan to attend an accredited four-year institution of higher education in the U.S. during the upcoming academic year
  • Must maintain a 3.0 GPA while in college in order for the scholarship to renew annually
  • After the initial award disbursement, it is renewable for 3 years
  • Initial award disbursement will be based on confirmed college enrollment for Fall 2025
  • Award will be disbursed over four consecutive years at $5,000/year